On Good Friday, April 18, 2025, the lay ecclesial movement of Communion and Liberation, with the
support of the Archdiocese of Chicago, invites you to the Way of the Cross liturgy in downtown
We will begin at 9:00 am at St. Peter Church for gospel readings, meditations, and choir music. We will
then have a silent procession all the way to Holy Name Cathedral, following the cross through the busy
streets of Chicago. The event will conclude around 11:45 am in the courtyard of the Cathedral.
We’ll be graced by the company of Most Rev. Mark Bartosic, auxiliary bishop of Chicago and by the
reflections of Fr. Patrick Gorman.
Good Friday, 19 April 2020
Lord Jesus, help us to see in Your Cross all the crosses of the world:
the cross of those who hunger for bread and for love;
the cross of those who are alone and abandoned, even by their own children and relatives,
the cross of those who thirst for justice and peace;
the cross of the elderly who bear the weight of the years and of solitude;
the cross of migrants who find doors closed due to fear, and hearts armoured by political calculations;
the cross of the little ones, wounded in their innocence and their purity;
the cross of humanity that wanders in the darkness of uncertainty and in the obscurity of the culture of the momentary;
the cross of families broken by betrayal, by the seductions of the evil one or by murderous lightness and selfishness;
the cross of the consecrated who seek tirelessly to bring Your light in the world and who feel rejected, mocked and humiliated;
the cross of the consecrated who along the way have forgotten their first love;
the cross of your children who, believing in You and seeking to live according to Your word, find themselves marginalized and rejected even by their relatives and peers;
the cross of our weaknesses, of our hypocrisies, of our betrayals, of our sins and of our many broken promises;
the cross of Your Church who, faithful to Your Gospel, struggles to bring Your love even among the baptized themselves;
the cross of the Church, Your bride, who feels continually assailed from within and without;
the cross of our common home that withers gravely before our selfish eyes, blinded by greed and power.
Lord Jesus, revive in us the hope of the resurrection and of Your definitive victory against every evil and every death. Amen!